Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Hello everyone. As you are all aware, we returned from the New York College Media Association early due to the coronavirus and the city of NY shutting down. Students returned early and I arrived to a notification that our courses would be going online and that classes were cancelled on Wednesday and Thursday of that week. My intent was to have us online by Monday, March 23, and then a new notification alerted us that classes would be cancelled until March 30.

With that said, we will begin our online classes on March 30. We are not allowed to assign any work until that time. Please make sure you are on Slack and that you are keeping up with notifications. We will be a couple of weeks behind, but I promise to make this transition as simple as possible.

Be sure that you are also on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram so that we have all lines of communication open. I am available by text, email, and Slack.

You will receive instructions to how this course will work by next week. Please stay calm and be safe.

Friday, March 6, 2020


Hello, everyone,

Last week we made sure your social media was set up and that you have photos for your press passes which will be ready on March 17. 

You worked on an in-class story to be published that day, if possible. Stories published so far:
*Kareem, Eric, Angel
*The story above will be updated.

On Tuesday, we will complete/update your in-class stories and they must be ready to publish by the end of class. 

*Jessica, Victoria, Melissa and Katie - I believe you are the ones working on the coach being fired. I'm going to assign you something else. This story has become a problematic one and need to get you all up to speed on libel law, etc before taking on something like this.

We will look at your stories and see how they can be improved:  lead, interviews, etc.

We will write headlines and sub-headlines for your stories and discuss the power of visuals.

We will discuss how to promote your stories, and how to post on Twitter.

Be sure to check Slack every day and make sure that you are reading a reputable news source every day, and that you are reading SAC.Media's top stories. You will have pop quizzes throughout the semester.

Please be on time. We have a lot to cover. Parking is a problem.The way to get around that is to arrive to campus early.

See you on Tuesday and don't forget:
NEWSROOM IS CLOSED ON THURSDAY, MARCH 12 (unless the conference gets cancelled due to Coronavirus. For now, it's a go but I will keep you notified.)